Jules Verne is considered the father of modern hard science, science fiction. His tales of adventure featured incredible machines which probed the depths of the oceans and the heights of the moon. He was one of the most popular writers of the 19th century and his works endure today. The reason he continues to be popular is that many of his predictions of the future came true -- such as submarines, aircraft, atomic bombs, space ships and so forth.
His most popular work is 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Captain Nemo is one of fiction's most memorable characters, the book raises one of Verne's main themes -- the end of war through technology. In this book, Verne correctly predicted the military use of submarines in warfare. Following closely in continued popularity is A Journey to the Center of the Earth, an epic adventure in the bowels of the earth. Verne's most humorous work is Around the World in 80 Days, which created another memorable character of Phineas J. Fogg, a satire of a proper English gentleman concerned with making his travel connections and winning his bet. All three made memorable, Academy Award winning movies.
But Verne's body of work is rich in lesser known works that are the equal of, and sometimes rivals that of his most known books. Master of the World, for example, and its sequel Clipper of the Clouds (Robur the Conquerer) are virtual rewrites of 20,000 Leagues, but much more developed in depicting the horrifying aspects of arial warfare. Off on a Comet is a true science fiction masterpiece as the lives of its characters are changed when a comet slams into the earth, taking a piece of it with it. From the Earth to the Moon realistically describes how a trip to the lunar surface could have been achieved in the 19th century.
All of these books aptly demonstrate Verne's incredible imagination and talents as a writer.
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea; Jules Verne, et al; Paperback; $4.45
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea; Jules Verne; Mass Market Paperback; $4.45
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea; Jules Verne; Mass Market Paperback; $3.56
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Vol 1; Jules Verne; Mass Market Paperback; $2.69
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (Illustrated Junior Library); Jules Verne, et al; Hardcover; $15.26
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (Step into Classics); Jules Verne, et al; Paperback; $3.59
20000 Leagues Under the Sea (Ct010); Jules Verne; Hardcover; $9.95
Adventures of the Rat Family : A Fairy Tale (Iona and Peter Opie Library); Jules Verne, et al; Hardcover; $15.26
The Annotated Jules Verne : From the Earth to the Moon : Direct in Ninety-Seven Hours and Twenty Minutes; Walter James Miller, Jules Verne; Hardcover; $14.99
Around the World in 80 Days; Jules Verne; Audio Cassette; $16.16
Around the World in Eighty Days; Jules Verne; Paperback; $5.25
Around the World in Eighty Days; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $18.95
Around the World in Eighty Days; Jules Verne; Mass Market Paperback; $2.25
Around the World in Eighty Days; Jules Verne; Paperback; $4.05
Around the World in Eighty Days; Jules Verne; Mass Market Paperback; $2.66
Around the World in Eighty Days ; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $2.68
Around the World in Eighty Days (Books of Wonder); Jules Verne, Barry Moser; Hardcover; $19.80
Around the World in Eighty Days (Derrydale Children's Library); Jules Verne; Hardcover; $4.99
Around the World in Eighty Days (Everyman Library); Jules Verne, et al; Paperback; $3.56
Around the World in Eighty Days (Puffin Classics); Jules Verne; Paperback; $3.59
Around the World in Eighty Days (Signet Classic); Jules Verne, Jacqueline Rogers; Mass Market Paperback; $3.56
Around the World in Eighty Days (The Whole Story Series); Jules Verne, James Prunier; Hardcover; $21.59
Around the World in Eighty Days (The Whole Story); Jules Verne, James Prunier; Paperback; $14.39
Around the World in Eighty Days : The Extraordinary Journeys (The World's Classics); Jules Verne, William Butcher; Paperback; $8.05
From the Earth to the Moon; Jules Verne, Lowell Bair; Mass Market Paperback; $4.45
A Journey to the Center of the Earth; Jules Verne; Mass Market Paperback; $2.25
Journey to the Center of the Earth; Jules Verne; Paperback; $4.45
A Journey to the Center of the Earth (Signet Classic); Jules Verne; Mass Market Paperback; $4.45
A Journey to the Center of the Earth (Troll Illustrated Classics); Jules Verne, Wayne Geehan; Paperback; $3.56
A Journey to the Center of the Earth (Wishbone Classics, No 9) Vol 9; Jules Verne, et al; Paperback; $3.59
Journey to the Centre of the Earth; Jules Verne, Jamie Glover; Audio Cassette; $9.85
Journey to the Centre of the Earth (Puffin Classics); Jules Verne, Robert Baldick; Paperback; $4.49
Journey to the Centre of the Earth (The World's Classics); Jules Verne, et al; Paperback; $5.35
Jules Verne : Five Complete Novels : Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea/a Journey to the Center of the Earth/from the Earth to the Moon/Round the; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $12.99
Jules Verne Audio Collection : Includes Excerpts from : Around the World in Eighty Days/Journey to the Center of the Earth/Twenty Thousand Leagues UN; Jules Verne; Audio Cassette; $17.96
Jules Verne's Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea : The Definitive Unabridged Edition Based on the Original French Texts; Jules Verne, et al; Hardcover; $35.00
The Mysterious Island; Jules Verne; Mass Market Paperback; $5.35
The Mysterious Island; Jules Verne, N.C. Wyeth; Hardcover; $23.36
The Mysterious Island (Bantam Classics); Jules Verne, Lowell Bair; Paperback; $3.56
Paris in the Twentieth Century; Jules Verne, Richard Howard; Hardcover; $18.90
The Tour of the World in Eighty Days/Cassettes (Ultimate Classics); Jules Verne, Arte Johnson; Audio Cassette; $17.96
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea; Jules Verne, et al; Audio Cassette; $6.25
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea; Jules Verne; Paperback; $3.59
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea; Jules Verne, Harlan Ellison; Audio Cassette; $17.96
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (Everyman Library); Jules Verne, et al; Paperback; $2.66
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (Troll Illustrated Classics); Jules Verne, et al; Paperback; $3.56
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea/Completely Restored and Annotated; Jules Verne, et al; Paperback; $22.46
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea; Jules Verne; Paperback; $6.60 (Special Order)
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $11.00 (Special Order)
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $49.95 (Special Order)
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea; Jules Verne; Unknown Binding; $10.00 (Special Order)
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea; Jules Verne, Bill Ratner; Hardcover; $12.95 (Special Order)
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $10.80 (Special Order)
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea; Jules Verne; Paperback; $10.91 (Special Order)
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea; Jules Verne; Hardcover (Publisher Out Of Stock)
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (Lake Illustrated Classics); Jules Verne; Paperback; $7.30 (Special Order)
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (Lake Illustrated Classics, Collection 1); Jules Verne; Paperback; $18.00 (Special Order)
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea : The Young Collector's Illustrated Classics/Ages 8-12; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $10.80 (Special Order)
20000 Leagues Under the Sea (Modern Library); Jules Verne; Hardcover; $14.85 (Not Yet Published -- On Order)
Adventures of Du Capitaine Hatteras; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $29.95 (Special Order)
Around the World in 80 Days; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $20.95 (Special Order)
Around the World in 80 Days; Jules Verne; Paperback; $5.10 (Special Order)
Around the World in 80 Days; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $9.33 (Special Order)
Around the World in 80 Days; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $32.95 (Special Order)
Around the World in 80 Days; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $10.80 (Special Order)
Around the World in 80 Days (Audio Cassette); Jules Verne; Hardcover; $36.95 (Special Order)
Around the World in 80 Days (Classic Collection); Jules Verne; Audio Cassette; $57.25 (Special Order)
Around the World in 80 Days (Illustrated Pocket Classics); Jules Verne; Paperback; $4.64 (Special Order)
Around the World in Eighty Days; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $20.95 (Special Order)
Around the World in Eighty Days; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $11.00 (Special Order)
Around the World in Eighty Days; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $35.95 (Special Order)
Around the World in Eighty Days; Jules Verne; Unknown Binding; $10.60 (Special Order)
Around the World in Eighty Days (Ladybird Children's Classics); Jules Verne; Hardcover; $6.35 (Special Order)
Around the World in Eighty Days (Lake Illustrated Classics, Collection 3); Jules Verne; Paperback; $7.30 (Special Order)
Around the World in Eighty Days Readalong (Illustrated Classics Collection 3); Jules Verne; Paperback; $13.50 (Special Order)
At the North Pole; Jules, Verne; Hardcover; $21.95 (Special Order)
Chancellor; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $7.30 (Special Order)
Cinco Semanas En Globo (Grandes Aventuras ; 3); Salvador Dulcet, et al; Hardcover; $10.10 (Special Order)
Cinco Semanas En Globo/Five Weeks in a Balloon; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $10.10 (Special Order)
Cinq Semaines En Ballon; Jules Verne; Paperback; $7.30 (Special Order)
The City in the Sahara (Book 2 of the Barsac Mission); Jules Verne; Hardcover; $18.95 (Special Order)
Claim of Forty Mile Creek; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $7.30 (Special Order)
The Complete Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea a New Translation of Jules Verne's Science Fiction Classic : A New Translation of Jules Verne's sci; Jules Verne, Emanuel J. Mickel; Hardcover; $29.95 (Special Order)
Desert of Ice; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $22.95 (Special Order)
Dick Sands the Boy Captain; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $26.95 (Special Order)
Dr. Ox's Experiment : Drama in the Air; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $16.95 (Special Order)
Dr. Ox's Experiment/Audio Cassettes; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $15.95 (Special Order)
Drama in Livonia; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $7.30 (Special Order)
Family Without a Name : A Romance of the Rebellion of 1837 in Quebec; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $19.95 (Special Order)
Five Weeks in a Balloon; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $24.95 (Special Order)
The Floating Island (Pacific Basin Books); Jules Verne; Paperback; $31.00 (Special Order)
From the Earth to the Moon; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $10.35 (Special Order)
From the Earth to the Moon; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $19.95 (Special Order)
Fur Country; Jules Verne; Paperback; $10.80 (Special Order)
The Fur Country, or Seventy Degrees North Latitude; Jules Verne, N. Danvers; Hardcover; $29.95 (Special Order)
Into the Niger Bend : Book One of the Barsac Mission Vol 1; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $20.95 (Special Order)
Journey to the Center of the Earth; Jules Verne; Paperback; $6.35 (Special Order)
A Journey to the Center of the Earth; Jules Verne; Unknown Binding; $11.05 (Special Order)
Journey to the Center of the Earth; Jules Verne; Audio Cassette; $57.25 (Special Order)
Journey to the Center of the Earth ; Jules Verne; Mass Market Paperback; $6.30 (Special Order)
Journey to the Center of the Earth (88490/Eight Audio Cassette); Jules Verne; Hardcover; $56.95 (Special Order)
Journey to the Center of the Earth (Great Illustrated Classics/B224-09); Jules Verne; Hardcover; $10.80 (Special Order)
Journey to the Center of the Earth (Lake Illustrated Classics, Collection 2); Jules Verne; Paperback; $7.30 (Special Order)
Journey to the Center of the Earth (Lake Illustrated Classics, Collection 2); Jules Verne; Paperback; $13.50 (Special Order)
Journey to the Center of the Earth (Swc 1581/Audio Cassette); Jules Verne; Hardcover; $14.00 (Special Order)
Journey to the Center of the Earth (Troll Illustrated Classics); Jules Verne, et al; Library Binding; $13.50 (Special Order)
Journey to the Center of the Earth/Cassettes (Clas Sic Collection); Jules Verne; Hardcover; $17.95 (Special Order)
Journey to the Centre of the Earth; Jules Verne, Garard Green; Hardcover; $54.95 (Special Order)
Journey to the Centre of the Earth; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $21.95 (Special Order)
Journey to the Centre of the Earth (Childrens Illustrated Classics, No. 84); Jules Verne; Hardcover; $9.85 (Special Order)
Jules Verne Classic Science Fiction; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $8.83 (Special Order)
Le Tour De Monde En 80 Jours; Jules Verne; Paperback; $14.95 (Special Order)
Master of the World; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $18.95 (Special Order)
Master of the World; Jules Verne; Paperback; $5.80 (Special Order)
Master of the World (Airmont); Jules Verne; Paperback; $4.60 (Special Order)
Master Zacharius : A Winter Amid the Ice; Jules Verne; Hardcover (Publisher Out Of Stock)
Mathias Sandorf; Jules Verne; Paperback; $10.95 (Special Order)
Measuring a Meridian; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $7.30 (Special Order)
Michael Strogoff; Jules Verne; Paperback; $4.85 (Special Order)
Michael Strogoff : A Courier of the Czar (Scribner Illustrated Classic); Jules Verne, N. C. Wyeth; Hardcover (Not Yet Published)
Michael Strogoff : The Courier of the Czar; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $24.95 (Special Order)
Michel Strogoff; Jules Verne; Paperback; $14.95 (Special Order)
Michel Strogoff (Textes Litteraires, Vol 91); Jules Verne, et al; Paperback; $19.95 (Special Order)
Miguel Strogoff/Michael Strogoff; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $8.80 (Special Order)
Mysterious Document; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $7.30 (Special Order)
The Mysterious Island; Jules Verne; Unknown Binding; $11.25 (Special Order)
Mysterious Island; Jules Verne; Paperback; $5.30 (Special Order)
The Mysterious Island; Jules Verne; Paperback; $4.64 (Special Order)
Mysterious Island; Jules Verne; Paperback; $5.80 (Special Order)
The Mysterious Island (Lake Illustrated Classics, Collection 2); Jules Verne; Paperback; $13.50 (Special Order)
The Mysterious Island (Lake Illustrated Classics, Collection 2); Jules Verne; Paperback; $7.30 (Special Order)
The Mysterious Island (Longman Classics, Stage 2); Jules Verne; Paperback; $9.30 (Special Order)
Off on a Comet : A Journey Through Planetary Space (Translation of Part 2 of Hester Servadas); Jules Verne; Hardcover; $29.95 (Special Order)
On the Comet; Jules Verne; VHS Tape; $29.99 (Special Order)
Readers Digest Best Loved Book for Young Readers : Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $6.34 (Special Order)
Round the World in 80 Days (Longman Classics, Stage 2); Jules Verne; Paperback; $9.30 (Special Order)
Round the World in Eighty Days; Jules Verne; Paperback; $7.25 (Special Order)
Round the World in Eighty Days (Longman Simplified English Series); Jules Verne; Paperback; $7.80 (Special Order)
Salvage of the Scnthia; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $7.30 (Special Order)
School for Crusoes, School for Robinsons; J. Verne; Hardcover; $7.30 (Special Order)
Sea Serpent : The Yarns of Jean Marie Cabidoulin; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $7.30 (Special Order)
Second Year Ashore; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $7.30 (Special Order)
Secret of Wilhelm Storitz; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $7.30 (Special Order)
Southern Star Mystery; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $7.30 (Special Order)
Steam House : Demon of Cawnpore (Part 1); Jules Verne; Hardcover; $19.95 (Special Order)
Steam House, Part Two : Tigers and Traitors; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $22.95 (Special Order)
Texar the Southerner; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $7.30 (Special Order)
Tribulations of a Chinese Gentlemen; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $7.30 (Special Order)
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea; Jules Verne; Paperback; $6.10 (Special Order)
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea; Jules Verne; Paperback; $5.35 (Special Order)
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea; Jules Verne; Paperback; $10.91 (Special Order)
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (Literature); Jules Verne; Paperback; $10.77 (Special Order)
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (Troll Illustrated Classics); Raymond James, et al; Library Binding; $13.50 (Special Order)
UN Capitan De Quince Anos/Captain at Fifteen; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $8.35 (Special Order)
Viaje Al Centro De LA Tierra = Journey to the Center of the Earth; Jules Verne; Paperback; $7.30 (Special Order)
Viaje Al Centro De LA Tierra/Journey to the Center of the Earth; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $9.85 (Special Order)
Village in the Treetops; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $7.30 (Special Order)
Voyage Au Centre De LA Terre; Jules Verne; Paperback; $9.30 (Special Order)
Wreck of the Chancellor; Jules Verne; Hardcover; $21.95 (Special Order)
Updated 12/01/99
D&S Associates